Digital Collection

Libby by Overdrive

Read or listen to digital books and magazines using Libby.
Click the appropriate link for instructions with your device:

-For Android, Apple, or Kindle Fire devices, download the app

-For Kindle Paperwhite users, go to

-For Nook, Kobo or similar ereaders, follow these instructions

Click here for a general how-to overview with tutorials.


kanopy is a streaming film service for libraries.   Whippanong Library cardholders have unlimited, simultaneous access to films in the digital collection.  To register and use kanopy, you must be a Whippanong Library cardholder.

To register with kanopy, install the kanopy app on device or go to  Type your library card & pin (last four digits of phone #) and then create account.

For additional help on getting started go to


A collection of adult, teen and children’s ebooks provided by the NJ State Library.

Palace Project

Introducing your newest e-reader, the Palace app!  Palace allows you to access many of the Whippanong Library’s eBooks and audiobooks in one place.  You will also have access to Main’s Libby OverDrive collection, the NJ State Library Boundless collection all in one place.  Additionally, enjoy thousands of free titles on the Palace Bookshelf which are yours to keep for as long as you’d like. The NJ State Library has made this possible and has covered implementation and hosting cost fees for each public library in NJ. Download the Palace app for Android or Apple iOS today! This platform will only work on Android or Apple devices.

To begin, search for “Palace Project” in Google Play or Apple App Store.

After downloading the App, search for “Whippanong Library.”



Tumblebook library is an online collection of animated children’s books which you can read or have read to you.


TumbleMath library is an online collection of digital children’s books directly related to math concepts.